Queensland Stay On Your Feet® Toolkit. The Toolkit is based on an evidence-based four phase Community Good Practice Model, and provides practical tools and templates.
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STEADI Tool Kit for Health Care Providers: Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries (US-Centres of Disease Control). The STEADI Tool Kit is based on a simple algorithm adapted from the USA/UK Geriatric Societies’ Clinical Practice Guideline.
View PDF here
A toolkit for preventing falls in hospitals (US-Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
The toolkit is briefly described here, and is available online or in PDF format
Standing up to falls: your guide to preventing falls and protecting your independence (NZ Accident Compensation Corporation) View PDF here
Falls prevention exercise for older people (AGE-UK). Outlines the benefits of evidence-based falls prevention exercise.
View PDF here
Senior falls in Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada
View PDF here
Geriatric Falls Prevention Toolkit for homecare professionals (US-Collaboration for Home Care Advances in Management)
Access website here
Falls Assistant: a falls prevention and self management tool specifically designed and created to help prevent falls, keep people steady on their feet and stay as independent as possible. It enables older people, their carers and family members to assess their own risk of falls, and then provides tailored advice that will give them a plan to reduce their future risk of falls and fractures. The Falls Assistant has been developed by NHS24’s Scottish Centre for Telehealth and Telecare (SCTT) as part of the European SmartCare programme.
The Safety Superheroes Program is designed to promote an intergenerational approach to fall prevention. Safety Superheroes was created to help children and families learn how to keep their grandparents and loved ones safe from falls, as preventing falls is something that everyone can help with!